Eeekkk CwAzY has been out spending...
Lilliekins mentioned a golf one this morning, sadly I could
not see that one.
I have just bought 4 games 2 of which can be played with friends.
Animal Crossing.. This Also has Wii Speak! which is new to wii. I imagine
in time most of the wi-fi connected games you will be able to wii speak.
It seems to me that in Animal Crossing there are different tasks put to you.
looks like fun!
Smack Down Vs Raw 2009 this you can also play with friends. So Lillie or
anyone else if you ever feel like punching my lights out, get out there
and buy it lol.
Guitar Hero. This is wi-fi, can be played online not as friends.. but you
can look out for each other
Ravman Raving Rabbids looks really good - more than 50 hilarious games that
will have you racing, wrestling surfing and dancing to hits! you need a wii
board for this. sadly can't invite friends but again you can look for each other.
Sadly wii doesnt have a great deal of competitve games where you can invite
friends, although i'm sure eventually there wil be plenty.
You can tell if the games are wi-fi connected cause it has like a blue sticker on
front of the box saying "wi-fi connected". Now as me & lillie have already learnt
previously this is really misleading, cause you automatically think you can invite
friends which isn't always the case. If you look on the back of the game you
will see a note saying "challenge friends from around the world" something to this
effect, these are the ones where you can play with your friends.
The ones where you can't invite friends but can still play online I assume you can
look for your friends providing they are online too and have the game loaded then play.
Must admit this is only an assumption because i'm really not too sure. Would be
interesting to know if you can. Some games like the one me and lillie got only your score
is noted online, the game was Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.
If anyone goes shopping and see's any games that you may think would be good, please
put it on the forum and we can check them out