Just doing a madonna song in the music section made me thought of this post.
My Original nic was __CrAzY__4U__ also had it in different ways ie xxCrazy_4_Uxx, but always crazy 4 u in it.. If you have not already seen the music section. I got this nic from a Madonna song and for the love of my husband, but changed it in the ladder for the sake of tom74 as he always complained about my underscores when
he had to report a loss. so now is just CrAzY : ) things you do huh? and prolly not appreciated anyhow I changed it to JUST Crazy for that reason. CwAzY on the forum out of respect for space as he always calls me cwazy, infact was how we got to find out who a hider was lol.. anyhow lets not go into that lolol.
So thats how I got my nic : )
How did you come to have your nic and why???
Would be interested to know..
CrAzY : )